Blomeyer & Sanz is partnering with the Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO), the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (wiiw) and the Mendel University in Brno to conduct an analytical study on ‘New EU own resources: possibilities and limitations of steering effects and sectoral policy co-benefits’ commissioned by the European Parliament’s Committee on Budgets.
Since the outbreak of the Covid19 pandemic, the debate about reforming the EU system of own resources that fund the Multiannual Financial Framework by introducing new own resources has intensified. Therefore, the objective of this analytical study is to provide data and related analysis on the topic of new EU own resources, their possibilities and limitations with regards to the European Commission’s legislative proposal that is expected in June 2021. The study will shed light on the different legal design options and options for implementing each of the new own resources; analyse the possible effects of each new own resource and the revised system of own resources as a whole on the EU budget and the achievement of ‘sectoral’ EU policy objectives; provide clarity on whether the desired EU objectives can be best achieved by introducing the proposed fiscal measures on the EU level, as own resources and whether the proposed new own resources would be effective, efficient and sufficient to finance the repayment of the European Union Recovery Instrument (EURI) debt.