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Total Records Found: 131, showing 20 per page
Project typeTitleDescriptionPolicy areaRegionsClientYears
Evaluation The “Local Development and Poverty Reduction, Enhanced Roma Inclusion” Programme in Romania combines five different thematic areas aiming to: Enhance inclusion and empowerment of Roma; Enhance social inclusion of children and youth; Strengthen education system capacity to ensure inclusive and quality education, in line with the Competences for Democratic Culture (CDC) Framework; Increase use of social services by disadvantaged groups; Increase knowledge of central and local government to enact good governance principles; Increase implementation of the recommendations by the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) issued after 2015. Social Affairs and Inclusion European Union FMO 2020
Evaluation The Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC) is the world’s authoritative source of data and analysis on internal displacement. IDMC monitors situations of displacement worldwide and provides verified and consolidated estimates of the number of people internally displaced or at risk of becoming displaced by conflict, violence, disasters and development projects. Human Rights International Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC) 2020
Evaluation The project “Co-operation on the implementation of the Russian Federation National Action Strategy for Women (2017-2022)" aims at strengthening the participation of key stakeholders, including relevant civil society organisations, in the implementation of the RF National Action Strategy for Women for 2017-2022 (NASW) in particular in the areas of i. public and political participation of women and ii. prevention of domestic violence and violence against women and girls. Social Affairs and Inclusion Eastern Neighbourhood Council of Europe 2020
Evaluation The programme aims to foster the implementation of human rights standards in Czech Republic by combatting all forms of discrimination and exclusion and enhancing the capacities of the relevant national institutions. It aims to directly target vulnerable groups at high risk of discrimination and exclusion, such as Roma. Victims and witnesses of domestic and gender-based violence, especially children and vulnerable groups, including migrants and Roma women are also addressed. Social Affairs and Inclusion European Union FMO 2020
Evaluation The evaluation will assess to what extent (i) the current RBM system provides a management and governance tool with pertinent information for both policy and performance management, and (ii) to which this information is used for decision-making. It will also benchmark the Council of Europe’s RBM system against the systems of other international organisations. Policy Making Council of Europe Member States Council of Europe 2020
Evaluation Shared Resources, Joint Solutions (SRJS) is an expansive programme that focuses on safeguarding the sustainable provision of ecosystem-based International Public Goods (IPGs) — food, water and climate stability — in 16 low- and lower middle-income countries Environment International International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) 2020
Research This study performs a “reality check” of Pilot Projects and Preparatory Actions (PPPAs) included in the EU budget over 2014-2019 and assesses their use as a strategic political tool. Budget European Union European Parliament 2019
Research When assessing the benefits Member States (MS) receive from the European Union (EU) budget, they primarily focus on their individual net positions, i.e. the net balance between their national contributions and the transfers received from the EU budget. This ‘just retour’ thinking is associated with several limitations and problems and completely neglects the benefits accruing to MS beyond the pure financial streams related to the EU budget. MS may enjoy the indirect benefits that are related to the various interventions and policies financed from the EU budget. Benefits may be also created for the EU as a whole in the case of policies coordinated and financed by the EU, replacing or complementing individual un-coordinated action at MS level and thus creating additional added value through making use of synergies. Budget European Union European Parliament 2019
Research This paper provides insight into the current situation and recent trends in the abolition or reform of discriminatory laws undermining women's rights in countries outside the European Union (EU). The paper aims to provide a nuanced understanding of processes through which legal reforms take place. Among the factors that have proven to facilitate legal reform are the ratification of international human rights treaties, feminist activism, legal and public advocacy by women’s rights and other human rights non-governmental organisations (NGOs), political dialogue, and increased women's representation in decision-making processes. Social Affairs and Inclusion Sub-Saharan Africa; Middle East and North Africa; Latin America and the Caribbean; East Asia and the Pacific; Eastern Europe and Central Asia; South Asia European Parliament 2019
Research The first part of this assessment, prepared within the European Parliamentary Research Service, presents an analysis of the main results of an external study on the implementation of Directive 2009/128/EC establishing a framework for Community action to achieve the sustainable use of pesticides. The second part consists of a study that covers the implementation of the directive as a whole. Environment European Union European Parliament 2019
Evaluation End of Programme Evaluation Shared Resources, Joint Solutions Environment & Climate Africa, Asia, Latin America International Union for the Conservation of Nature / World Wide Fund (Amsterdam) 2019
Evaluation Children with Disabilities Programme Evaluation Social Affairs European Union Red Noses International 2019
Evaluation The aim of this assignment is to monitor, report and make recommendations related to the identified by the FMO risks and concerns and respectively the set of monitoring questions for two of the EEA Grants (2014-2024) programmes in Bulgaria, i.e., the Programme "Cultural Entrepreneurship, Heritage and Cooperation" and the Programme "Local Development, Poverty Reduction and Enhanced Inclusion of Vulnerable Groups". Social Affairs and Inclusion European Union Member States FMO 2019
Research An update to the 2015 study "The EU Budget for Gender Equality" investigating what progress have been made on gender budgeting in the EU since said study and calling upon the EU to take steps toward ensuring gender equality in all EU-funded policies. Social Affairs and Inclusion European Union European Parliament 2018
Research This study focuses on the legal, practical, and ethical dimensions of the appointment of senior-level officials in European Union insitutions, a selection of Member States, and and different European and international institutions. Focusing on the four instances of maladministration identified by the European Ombudsman with regard to the appointment of the new Secretary-General (SG) of the European Commission (EC), this study recommends inter alia that a special appointment procedure should be adopted for the appointment of the SG of the EC. Budget European Union European Parliament 2018
Research This study examines how reliable Cohesion Policy indicators are in helping to ensure targeted and result-oriented expenditure, and includes 11 recommendations ahead of the 2020-2027 period. Budget European Union European Parliament 2018
Research This report aims to provide insights into the development, since 2016, of the European Commission’s system of Expert Groups, including the Register of Expert Groups, thus updating the European Parliament’s study ‘Composition of the Commission’s expert groups and the status of the register of expert groups’ (September 2015). The Update finds that the European Commission’s revised Horizontal Rules, introduced in May 2016, triggered important improvements in terms of balance of interests, transparency and gender balance. Research and Innovation European Union European Parliament 2018
Research This briefing considers the effectiveness and visibility of EU funding in the Western Balkans, Cross-Border Cooperation (CBC) in particular. CBC is reported to have enhanced relations between neighbouring countries at central and regional levels and it has reportedly helped prepare local authorities for eventual management of EU funds. European Neighbourhood Western Balkans; European Union European Parliament 2018
Research This study aims to develop a better understanding of the regulatory framework and experience with the preparation and procurement of large-scale infrastructure projects (over EUR 50 million) under the European Regional Development Fund, the Cohesion Fund, the European Fund for Strategic Investments, and the Connecting Europe Facility. Infrastructure European Union European Parliament 2018
Research This study follows up on a 2010 European Parliament study, ‘Financing of NonGovernmental Organisations (NGO) from the EU budget’. The existence of multiple, complex, overlapping NGO networks presents significant challenges to accountability and transparency, as does the emergence of new and innovative funding mechanisms that do not involve large institutional donors. Budget European Union European Parliament 2018